Search results for: taiwan

US needs to invest in cheaper long-range drones for Taiwan scenario, report says

US needs to invest in cheaper long-range drones for Taiwan scenario, report says
US needs to invest in cheaper long-range drones for Taiwan scenario, report says

“I don’t know if it’s going to be a fair fight,” said Stacie Pettyjohn, director of CNAS’s defense program and one of the authors of the report. “There are a lot of things that are stacked up against the United States when it’s playing an away game.”

US approves sale of hundreds of one-way attack drones to Taiwan

US approves sale of hundreds of one-way attack drones to Taiwan
US approves sale of hundreds of one-way attack drones to Taiwan

Potential sale comes amid global rush for attack drones and in the wake of Chinese anger over Taiwan’s elections.

China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’

China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’
China’s defense minister hammers away on Taiwan, says peaceful unification chances ‘eroded’

“Anyone who dares to separate Taiwan from China will only end up in self-destruction,” Adm. Dong Jun, China’s defense minister, said here in remarks liberally sprinkled with aggressive imagery and threats.

INDOPACOM deputy calls China ‘equal opportunity bullies’ as PRC practices Taiwan blockade

INDOPACOM deputy calls China ‘equal opportunity bullies’ as PRC practices Taiwan blockade
INDOPACOM deputy calls China ‘equal opportunity bullies’ as PRC practices Taiwan blockade

The senior American official also addressed the potential for Australia to be drawn into a Pacific conflict.

As Taiwan’s new president takes office, report warns of cyber side of China’s ‘long-term’ strategy

As Taiwan’s new president takes office, report warns of cyber side of China’s ‘long-term’ strategy
As Taiwan’s new president takes office, report warns of cyber side of China’s ‘long-term’ strategy

“The PRC shows a strategic preference for activities in cyberspace and other domains that gradually bolster its position over an extended period, prioritizing steady progress and cumulative gains over immediate, overt victories,” a report about PRC cyber activities by Booz Allen finds.

In a Taiwan conflict, tough choices could come for Big Tech

In a Taiwan conflict, tough choices could come for Big Tech
In a Taiwan conflict, tough choices could come for Big Tech

Washington could do more to incentivize tech companies to distance themselves from China, but CEOs should examine how they’d react to a fight in the Pacific, CSET’s Sam Bresnick and Emelia Probasco argue.

House approves $95 billion defense supplemental with aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

House approves $95 billion defense supplemental with aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan
House approves $95 billion defense supplemental with aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan

The Ukraine bill passed in a 311-112 vote, the Israel bill passed in a 366-58 vote, and the Indo-Pacific bill passed in a 385-34 vote.

Raytheon awarded sole-source radar upgrade for Taiwan

Raytheon awarded sole-source radar upgrade for Taiwan
Raytheon awarded sole-source radar upgrade for Taiwan

The upgrade will “increase the air surveillance capability for the system. This effort will further enhance the air surveillance mission software capabilities,” an Air Force spokesperson told Breaking Defense.

China fumes at countries that congratulate Taiwan for election that rebuked Beijing

China fumes at countries that congratulate Taiwan for election that rebuked Beijing
China fumes at countries that congratulate Taiwan for election that rebuked Beijing

“It is very ‘wolf warrior’ in style and I think it underlines that from Beijing’s perspective, there is no real ‘reset’ or ‘stabilisation of the relationship,'” Malcolm Davis of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute told Breaking Defense.

Batten the hatches: Rough times ahead after Taiwan elections

Batten the hatches: Rough times ahead after Taiwan elections
Batten the hatches: Rough times ahead after Taiwan elections

In its presidential election Taiwan may have sent a rebuke to Beijing, but in this op-ed the United States Institute of Peace’s Dean Cheng makes a closer, more nuanced examination.

To better support Taiwan, push Europe’s defense industry to do more for Ukraine

To better support Taiwan, push Europe’s defense industry to do more for Ukraine
To better support Taiwan, push Europe’s defense industry to do more for Ukraine

In this op-ed, the Cato Institute’s Eric Gomez argues the US won’t be able to support Ukraine and Taiwan with arms and defense articles indefinitely and that hard choices are on the horizon.

The big risks of 2024: Taiwan elections, Philippine shoals, AUKUS dough

The big risks of 2024: Taiwan elections, Philippine shoals, AUKUS dough
The big risks of 2024: Taiwan elections, Philippine shoals, AUKUS dough

Keep your eyes on the Second Scarborough Shoal and other atolls in the South China Sea, where China has pressed an increasingly aggressive and dangerous campaign.

Taiwan to unveil first locally built sub; US, half-dozen countries help with tech

Taiwan to unveil first locally built sub; US, half-dozen countries help with tech
Taiwan to unveil first locally built sub; US, half-dozen countries help with tech

“They’ve managed to do it. That’s the key takeaway,” Euan Graham, China export at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said of Taiwan building its first submarine. “And they did it against very strong political headwinds that apparently affected the supply of equipment. This is impressive.”

‘No easy answers’: Biden admin juggling pathways to send Taiwan weapons, but no line skipping

‘No easy answers’: Biden admin juggling pathways to send Taiwan weapons, but no line skipping
‘No easy answers’: Biden admin juggling pathways to send Taiwan weapons, but no line skipping

“We have concluded that we’re not able to change the production priorities [for Taiwan]. That would be an easy answer but unfortunately there are no easy answers,” senior State Department official Mira Resnick told Breaking Defense.

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