Search results for: taiwan

Austin: US hasn’t changed Taiwan policy, China has

Austin: US hasn’t changed Taiwan policy, China has
Austin: US hasn’t changed Taiwan policy, China has

US Defense Secretary says US does not seek an “Asian NATO,” but blasts China for “growing coercion” and “dangerous” activity in the region.

US-China defense leaders discuss Russia, Taiwan and crisis communications

US-China defense leaders discuss Russia, Taiwan and crisis communications
US-China defense leaders discuss Russia, Taiwan and crisis communications

Originally scheduled to last 30 minutes, the meeting between US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Wei Fenghe, went on for 56.

After Biden’s Taiwan remarks make waves, Austin reiterates US policy hasn’t changed

After Biden’s Taiwan remarks make waves, Austin reiterates US policy hasn’t changed
After Biden’s Taiwan remarks make waves, Austin reiterates US policy hasn’t changed

The US defense secretary also praises European allies for latest Ukraine arms commitments, including Harpoons from Denmark and attack helicopters from the Czech Republic.

Three reasons why defense is beating offense in Ukraine – and why it matters for Taiwan

Three reasons why defense is beating offense in Ukraine – and why it matters for Taiwan
Three reasons why defense is beating offense in Ukraine – and why it matters for Taiwan

Changes in technology, terrain and society have shifted the balance between offense and defense in ways that favor democracy’s defenders in Ukraine — and beyond.

Ukraine offers Taiwan a wake-up call, and lessons in resistance

Ukraine offers Taiwan a wake-up call, and lessons in resistance
Ukraine offers Taiwan a wake-up call, and lessons in resistance

“The lesson every Taiwanese is learning from what we are seeing in Ukraine is that we have to defend ourselves, no one else will fight for our democracy like we can,” said Kolas Yotaka, spokeswoman for Taiwan’s presidential office.

With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion

With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion
With ‘delegation,’ US warns off China on Taiwan amid Russia’s Ukraine invasion

“The United States has not lost focus on the Indo-Pacific region, and […] Xi should not get any ideas from Putin’s aggression,” says Jacob Stokes at CNAS.

Chinese flights near Taiwan look like ‘rehearsal,’ US officials warn

Chinese flights near Taiwan look like ‘rehearsal,’ US officials warn
Chinese flights near Taiwan look like ‘rehearsal,’ US officials warn

The INDOPACOM chief also weighed in on whether Guam’s missile defense capabilities will be ready by fiscal year 2026.

Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t

Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t
Aussies would join US to defend Taiwan; Defense Minister says ‘inconceivable’ they wouldn’t

The reliably bellicose Global Times’ editor, Hu Xijin, slammed Dutton’s remarks in a Tweet, promising a “heavy attack” on Australia if it should get involved in any Taiwan conflict.

149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days

149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days
149 Chinese Fighters, Bombers Sweep Across Taiwan ADIZ In 4 Days

The Chinese flights are not likely to abate any time soon, Dean Cheng, a top Chinese military expert at the Heritage Foundation, says.

State Clears Biden Admin’s First Major Taiwan Arms Sale

State Clears Biden Admin’s First Major Taiwan Arms Sale
State Clears Biden Admin’s First Major Taiwan Arms Sale

In addition to the $750 million Taiwan deal, State also cleared a pair of weapons packages for Japan.

What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?

What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?
What Are The Best Ways To Shield Taiwan From A Hungry China?

The trick will be to avoid “a situation in which China believes that it has no alternative but to act,” says RAND’s Michael Mazzar.

‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper

‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper
‘Sense Of Crisis’ On China-Taiwan: Japan Defense White Paper

Chinese actions in the Pacific are posing a “grave concern” for Japan’s military, a new official paper concludes.

Pacific Commander Warns China Likely To Move On Taiwan; Guam A Target

Pacific Commander Warns China Likely To Move On Taiwan; Guam A Target
Pacific Commander Warns China Likely To Move On Taiwan; Guam A Target

Taiwan may be targeted for annexation by 2027, Adm. Phil Davidson said, and Guam will have to be vigorously defended in a Pacific War.

Senate Armed Services Stands By Afghanistan & Taiwan

Senate Armed Services Stands By Afghanistan & Taiwan
Senate Armed Services Stands By Afghanistan & Taiwan

“Seems Washington wants to stick around” in Afghanistan, said AEI’s MacKenzie Eaglen, “even if veterans themselves are increasingly the ones calling for the full end of troop presence in-country.”

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