Search results for: autonomy

In a ‘world first,’ DARPA project demonstrates AI dogfighting in real jet

In a ‘world first,’ DARPA project demonstrates AI dogfighting in real jet
In a ‘world first,’ DARPA project demonstrates AI dogfighting in real jet

“The potential for machine learning in aviation, whether military or civil, is enormous,” said Air Force Col. James Valpiani. “And these fundamental questions of how do we do it, how do we do it safely, how do we train them, are the questions that we are trying to get after.”

Anduril, South Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai announce new partnership for autonomous systems

Anduril, South Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai announce new partnership for autonomous systems
Anduril, South Korean shipbuilder HD Hyundai announce new partnership for autonomous systems

US Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro has praised South Korean shipbuilders such as HD Hyundai at recent events, encouraging more participation with US industry.

‘One pane’: Navy seeks standardized C2, data-sharing for unmanned systems

‘One pane’: Navy seeks standardized C2, data-sharing for unmanned systems
‘One pane’: Navy seeks standardized C2, data-sharing for unmanned systems

With ever-larger numbers of drones, unmanned submersibles and robot boats, said 4th Fleet Rear Adm. Jim Aiken, “what we didn’t realize was the volume of data we were going to get at headquarters.”

Drone sales, missile collaboration and new C2: Japan, US tighten defense ties

Drone sales, missile collaboration and new C2: Japan, US tighten defense ties
Drone sales, missile collaboration and new C2: Japan, US tighten defense ties

The US and Japan are “increasing the interoperability and planning of our militaries so they can work together in a seamless and effective way,” US President Joe Biden said today.

With Navy exercise, unmanned surface vessel firm Saronic sees ‘next step’

With Navy exercise, unmanned surface vessel firm Saronic sees ‘next step’
With Navy exercise, unmanned surface vessel firm Saronic sees ‘next step’

“We are in active conversations with many of the stakeholders who are relevant to things like Replicator and we’re excited to collaborate with the government when the time is right,” Saronic exec Rob Lehman told Breaking Defense.

HII chief: Defense tech business will outpace shipyard growth going forward (Exclusive)

HII chief: Defense tech business will outpace shipyard growth going forward (Exclusive)
HII chief: Defense tech business will outpace shipyard growth going forward (Exclusive)

In an exclusive interview with Breaking Defense, HII boss Chris Kastner said the company views its non-shipbuilding division as a key source of future growth.

Robotic moves: Army picks 8 tech companies to compete Robotic Combat Vehicle pieces

Robotic moves: Army picks 8 tech companies to compete Robotic Combat Vehicle pieces
Robotic moves: Army picks 8 tech companies to compete Robotic Combat Vehicle pieces

The companies received contracts for one of three areas — autonomous navigation, machine learning and autonomy, or software system integrators.

US joins Austria, Bahrain, Canada, & Portugal to co-lead global push for safer military AI

US joins Austria, Bahrain, Canada, & Portugal to co-lead global push for safer military AI
US joins Austria, Bahrain, Canada, & Portugal to co-lead global push for safer military AI

Two US officials exclusively tell Breaking Defense the details of new international “working groups” that are the next step in Washington’s campaign for ethical and safety standards for military AI and automation – without prohibiting their use entirely.

Avoiding accidental armageddon: Report urges new safety rules for unmanned systems

Avoiding accidental armageddon: Report urges new safety rules for unmanned systems
Avoiding accidental armageddon: Report urges new safety rules for unmanned systems

Even if China doesn’t agree to or abide by new “confidence-building measures,” CNAS scholar Tom Shugart says, the US and its allies should adopt them unilaterally to reduce the risk of accidents or worse in the West Pacific.

Coproduction in Ukraine too hard? Here’s a solution: Build in NATO

Coproduction in Ukraine too hard? Here’s a solution: Build in NATO
Coproduction in Ukraine too hard? Here’s a solution: Build in NATO

In this op-ed, Kateryna Bondar argues coproduction in NATO countries could help Ukraine receive the defense materiel it needs while providing benefits to the host countries.

Northrop hopeful for AUKUS sub maintenance business in Australia

Northrop hopeful for AUKUS sub maintenance business in Australia
Northrop hopeful for AUKUS sub maintenance business in Australia

“So that’s one thing I would encourage the [Australian] government to do, is be transparent as possible on what the plans ahead are so industry can can respond and be ready,” Northrop Grumman executive Tom Wears said.

40-plus countries convening next week to thrash out ‘responsible AI’ for military use

40-plus countries convening next week to thrash out ‘responsible AI’ for military use
40-plus countries convening next week to thrash out ‘responsible AI’ for military use

The US government hopes this will be the first of many annual meetings of the countries that signed on to the US “Political Declaration” on military AI last year, sharing model policies and best practices on everything from combat robots to back-office algorithms.

Navy delaying next-gen F/A-XX fighter spending for near-term investments

Navy delaying next-gen F/A-XX fighter spending for near-term investments
Navy delaying next-gen F/A-XX fighter spending for near-term investments

The combination of delaying F/A-XX development and shutting down F/A-18 production may not go well for Navy leadership when they testify to lawmakers.

Air Force wants to retire 250 aircraft as part of $188B FY25 budget request

Air Force wants to retire 250 aircraft as part of $188B FY25 budget request
Air Force wants to retire 250 aircraft as part of $188B FY25 budget request

“We’re very, very fixated on being competitive with the pacing challenge [of China],” said Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall. “I think the budget that we’ve submitted moves us forward — not quite as fast as we would like to, but it moves us forward in the right direction while maintaining current capabilities that are essential to the nation.”

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