Search results for: artificial intelligence

Building JADC2: Data, AI & Warfighter Insight

Building JADC2: Data, AI & Warfighter Insight
Building JADC2: Data, AI & Warfighter Insight

“There’s still a lot of folks who believe that, ‘oh, somebody’s going to bring a big box of AI and set it on my desk,’” Lt. Gen. Mike Groen, director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, says. “This is not some black box. This is about your insight into the battlefield.”

‘A 20th Century Commander Will Not Survive’: Why The Military Needs AI

‘A 20th Century Commander Will Not Survive’: Why The Military Needs AI
‘A 20th Century Commander Will Not Survive’: Why The Military Needs AI

Today’s huge HQs are slow-moving “rocket magnets” that can’t keep up in 21st century combat, the director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center told us in an exclusive interview. To survive and win, Lt. Gen. Mike Groen said, the military must replace cumbersome manual processes with AI.

AI In The Grey Zone: Afghan Lessons For Great Power Conflict

AI In The Grey Zone: Afghan Lessons For Great Power Conflict
AI In The Grey Zone: Afghan Lessons For Great Power Conflict

Artificial intelligence developed to hunt terrorists can help track Russian and Chinese targets as well – especially amidst murky, chaotic conflicts in the “grey zone” between peace and open war.

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Innovative, Advanced Technologies: DoD’s Secret Weapon in the Great Power Competition

Innovative, Advanced Technologies: DoD’s Secret Weapon in the Great Power Competition
Innovative, Advanced Technologies: DoD’s Secret Weapon in the Great Power Competition

Agile technology development incorporating artificial intelligence, 5G, and cloud into the network infrastructure will create the overmatch that the U.S. military needs.

JAIC To Evangelize AI Across DoD

JAIC To Evangelize AI Across DoD
JAIC To Evangelize AI Across DoD

“Artificial Intelligence… is not a black box that a contractor is going to deliver to you,” Lt. Gen. Michael Groen says. “It’s commander’s business at every level[:] What data drives your decision-making?”

Learn By Losing: Give AI To OPFOR First

Learn By Losing: Give AI To OPFOR First
Learn By Losing: Give AI To OPFOR First

The best way to show US troops the power of new technology like artificial intelligence, one general said, is to let them suffer defeat at its hands — in training exercises.

Longer-Range Missiles & More AI: Project Convergence 2021

Longer-Range Missiles & More AI: Project Convergence 2021
Longer-Range Missiles & More AI: Project Convergence 2021

Next fall, the Army aims to test a new artificial intelligence for artillery and fire the prototype PrSM missile to its full 300-plus-mile range — once they find a venue that’s big enough.

Military AI Coalition Of 13 Countries Meets On Ethics

Military AI Coalition Of 13 Countries Meets On Ethics
Military AI Coalition Of 13 Countries Meets On Ethics

The Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center convened a dozen foreign partners, ranging from NATO allies to Israel, Japan, Korea, and neutral Finland & Sweden.

New Pentagon Plan To Link CoComs, Services Faces ‘Flat’ 2022 Budget

New Pentagon Plan To Link CoComs, Services Faces ‘Flat’ 2022 Budget
New Pentagon Plan To Link CoComs, Services Faces ‘Flat’ 2022 Budget

The 2022 budget “probably looks to be flat,” Vic Mercado, assistant secretary of defense for strategy, plans and capabilities, says. “We still have to look to the future, maybe take some risks in the near-term, and make some investments in those technologies that we’re going to need in the future like hypersonics, artificial intelligence.” 

NRO Taps AI For Future ‘Hybrid Architecture’

NRO Taps AI For Future ‘Hybrid Architecture’
NRO Taps AI For Future ‘Hybrid Architecture’

“Artificial intelligence and machine learning onboard the satellites to help us control the constellations is absolutely critical,” says NRO Director Chris Scolese. For ground stations, too.

Pentagon AI Gains ‘Overwhelming Support’ From Tech Firms – Even Google

Pentagon AI Gains ‘Overwhelming Support’ From Tech Firms – Even Google
Pentagon AI Gains ‘Overwhelming Support’ From Tech Firms – Even Google

Despite past battles over Project Maven and other military uses of AI, “Google and many others” are now working with the Pentagon’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, its new acting director says.

Joint AI Center Turns To Air Force cloudONE As JEDI Stalls

Joint AI Center Turns To Air Force cloudONE As JEDI Stalls
Joint AI Center Turns To Air Force cloudONE As JEDI Stalls

The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center needs three things: new acquisition authorities, more staff, and the cloud. With JEDI delayed ‘potentially many more months,’ director Lt. Gen. Jack Shanahan said, he’s turning to an Air Force alternative.

Pentagon AI Efforts Disorganized: RAND

Pentagon AI Efforts Disorganized: RAND
Pentagon AI Efforts Disorganized: RAND

The RAND report, commissioned by the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, unsurprisingly recommends more power for the JAIC over future service budgets. Right now AI efforts are so diffuse no one’s even sure what’s in the 2020 appropriations bill just passed.

The Art of Command, The Science of AI

The Art of Command, The Science of AI
The Art of Command, The Science of AI

Future commanders will need to know how to use artificial intelligence to make decisions—including when not to trust it. But how do you decide?

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