Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT

Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT
Mapping the Moon: Future cislunar ops require better PNT

Future military, civil and commercial cislunar operations will require precise lunar maps not just of topography, but also of the Moon’s gravitational and magnetic fields.

NGA looking for commercial data to update intel on North Korea

NGA looking for commercial data to update intel on North Korea
NGA looking for commercial data to update intel on North Korea

“Approximately 90 [percent] of our foundational data is unclassified, which helps us share products more broadly with partners and allies across the globe,” a spokesperson for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency told Breaking Defense.

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Activity-based intel speeds decisions

Activity-based intel speeds decisions
Activity-based intel speeds decisions

RI&S’ ABI gives military commanders the right insights to take action during conflict.

3D Mapping for Army Hinges On Bandwidth

3D Mapping for Army Hinges On Bandwidth
3D Mapping for Army Hinges On Bandwidth

Gary Blohm, director of the Army Geospatial Center, said 3D is important to troop training and to operational planning because it “helps us navigate, especially when we get to urban environments.”