Pentagon announces new reciprocity guidance to streamline software adaptation

Pentagon announces new reciprocity guidance to streamline software adaptation
Pentagon announces new reciprocity guidance to streamline software adaptation

“We’ve heard you loud and clear on this within the DoD. I’m not going to say this is going to solve every bit of it, but it’s going to help us a bit,” Pentagon CIO John Sherman said.

‘The bad day’: DISA’s forthcoming strategy prepares for wartime coms

‘The bad day’: DISA’s forthcoming strategy prepares for wartime coms
‘The bad day’: DISA’s forthcoming strategy prepares for wartime coms

“It’s great to have internet day to day in peacetime,” said Lt. Gen. Robert Skinner, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, “but it’s more imperative to have it when bullets are flying.”

Army picks Akamai for prototype battlefield zero trust project: T-ICAM

Army picks Akamai for prototype battlefield zero trust project: T-ICAM
Army picks Akamai for prototype battlefield zero trust project: T-ICAM

The civilian internet firm will build prototype software for Tactical Identity Credential & Access Management, a critical step in bringing “zero trust” cybersecurity to battlefield networks.

New strategy will streamline DoD support for defense contractors’ cybersecurity

New strategy will streamline DoD support for defense contractors’ cybersecurity
New strategy will streamline DoD support for defense contractors’ cybersecurity

“We were very disjointed” in efforts to support contractors, admitted Pentagon CISO Dave McKeown. “We want to make that more streamlined.”

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Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today

Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today
Future inevitability of quantum computers is a security problem today

‘Store Now, Decrypt Later’ attacks must be thwarted now with Zero Trust cybersecurity.

‘I’m disappointed’: Pentagon CIO cybersecurity chief asks industry, where’s my AI?

‘I’m disappointed’: Pentagon CIO cybersecurity chief asks industry, where’s my AI?
‘I’m disappointed’: Pentagon CIO cybersecurity chief asks industry, where’s my AI?

“I love AI. I want lots of AI,” Dave McKeown told Breaking Defense. But, so far, neither government nor industry has developed artificial intelligence that can really help with cybersecurity.

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters
The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters

A Breaking Defense webinar with experts from CDAO, APL, and CNAS gets into the question of defining artificial intelligence vs machine learning.

How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities

How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities
How the Navy is building its networks and cyber capabilities

In our latest eBook we’re bringing you the collection of stories covering Navy’s expansion of unmanned capabilities, call for a culture of shared cyber responsibility, reflecting on shipbuilding priorities and much more.

Brute force: Russia ‘doubled down’ on often-crude disinformation in 2023, says report

Brute force: Russia ‘doubled down’ on often-crude disinformation in 2023, says report
Brute force: Russia ‘doubled down’ on often-crude disinformation in 2023, says report

With official outlets like RT and Sputnik kicked out of many Western countries, Moscow now emphasizes social media — exploiting TikTok, X, and the explosion in generative AI, according to a new report.

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Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration
Intelligence Community and Space Force challenges intersect and require closer collaboration

“Mission engineering” can integrate space and ground assets to push data to the edge.

Navy officials call for more ‘shared cyber responsibility,’ better handling of ‘crapload of data’

Navy officials call for more ‘shared cyber responsibility,’ better handling of ‘crapload of data’
Navy officials call for more ‘shared cyber responsibility,’ better handling of ‘crapload of data’

“Those are the next steps that are going to be most challenging because … people are messy, right?” Navy cyber advisor Scott St. Pierre said. “Everybody’s like, ‘No, that’s mine. I don’t want to touch it.’ … What we really need to do is help everybody understand that we’re all in this together.”

China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?

China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?
China’s investing billions in quantum R&D, but is Beijing making some bad bets?

The US and China are racing to develop quantum technologies. But each superpower is emphasizing different applications of the same fundamental science, and some American experts think a couple of Beijing’s top priorities may be dead ends.

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The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground

The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground
The national security space enterprise is being modernized and it’s happening from the ground

Digital engineering and modern tools and processes offer near-term opportunities to improve satellite mission planning, data processing, command and control, and cybersecurity.

New proposed rule for CMMC 2.0 lays out security requirements, raises some eyebrows

New proposed rule for CMMC 2.0 lays out security requirements, raises some eyebrows
New proposed rule for CMMC 2.0 lays out security requirements, raises some eyebrows

At its most basic level, under CMMC 2.0, defense contractors and subcontractors that have access to controlled unclassified information (CUI) will be required to demonstrate the “maturity” of their cybersecurity programs against a set of increasingly advanced capabilities.