Flexing its muscles, Iran steps away from deniability in arming the Houthis: Analysts

Flexing its muscles, Iran steps away from deniability in arming the Houthis: Analysts
Flexing its muscles, Iran steps away from deniability in arming the Houthis: Analysts

New statements from Iran are “abandoning the fiction” that they are not supplying anti-ship ballistic missile technology, according to analysts.

Spurred by Iran, US and Gulf nations meet to boost integrated missile defense, early warning

Spurred by Iran, US and Gulf nations meet to boost integrated missile defense, early warning
Spurred by Iran, US and Gulf nations meet to boost integrated missile defense, early warning

The ultimate goal of the new talks is to ensure the nations share information effectively enough that they can can work from a “common air picture” and act together in “other ways [to erode] the effectiveness of Iran’s missile and UAV capabilities.”

High price of Red Sea shootdowns speeds Navy’s pursuit of ‘cost-effective’ solutions

High price of Red Sea shootdowns speeds Navy’s pursuit of ‘cost-effective’ solutions
High price of Red Sea shootdowns speeds Navy’s pursuit of ‘cost-effective’ solutions

“We’re working towards that end, and we have some solutions that I can’t go into, but we are going to get after finding more cost-effective ways to address those lower-end threats,” said Rear Adm. Fred Pyle, director of surface warfare at the US Navy.

Purported Houthi strike on Chinese vessel in Red Sea likely a ‘mistake’: Experts

Purported Houthi strike on Chinese vessel in Red Sea likely a ‘mistake’: Experts
Purported Houthi strike on Chinese vessel in Red Sea likely a ‘mistake’: Experts

“It also shows how dangerous it is to equip a networked actor such as the Houthis with such a capability. The consequences for regional security are problematic,” an analyst told Breaking Defense.