The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters

The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters
The difference between artificial intelligence and machine learning and why it matters

A Breaking Defense webinar with experts from CDAO, APL, and CNAS gets into the question of defining artificial intelligence vs machine learning.

Campaign To Stop Killer Robots ‘Unethical’ & ‘Immoral’: Bob Work

Campaign To Stop Killer Robots ‘Unethical’ & ‘Immoral’: Bob Work
Campaign To Stop Killer Robots ‘Unethical’ & ‘Immoral’: Bob Work

“They’re willing to say, ‘I’m willing to sacrifice the lives of American servicemen and women, I’m willing to take more civilian casualties … on the off chance that sometime in the future this weapon will exist.”

Chinese Missiles Can Wipe Out US Bases In Japan: Aegis, THAAD Can Stop Em

Chinese Missiles Can Wipe Out US Bases In Japan: Aegis, THAAD Can Stop Em
Chinese Missiles Can Wipe Out US Bases In Japan: Aegis, THAAD Can Stop Em

WASHINGTON: A Chinese surprise attack tomorrow could annihilate US forces and bases in Japan, two Navy officers found. But deploying more missile defenses — Army THAAD and Navy Aegis — would protect most targets north of Okinawa, Commanders Thomas Shugart and Javier Gonzalez found in simulations. Such a stronger defense, in turn, would reduce the…

Artificial Stupidity: When Artificial Intelligence + Human = Disaster

APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY: Futurists worry about artificial intelligence becoming too intelligent for humanity’s good. Here and now, however, artificial intelligence can be dangerously dumb. When complacent humans become over-reliant on dumb AI, people can die. The lethal track record goes from the Tesla Autopilot crash last year, to the Air France 447 disaster that killed 228…

War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict

War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict
War Without Fear: DepSecDef Work On How AI Changes Conflict

APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY: “Brothers and sisters, my name is Bob Work, and I have sinned,” the Deputy Secretary of Defense said to laughter. There’s widespread agreement in the military that artificial intelligence, robotics, and human-machine teaming will change the way that war is waged, Work told an AI conference here Thursday, “but I am starting…