DoD rejiggers $96 billion Sentinel ICBM program to minimize delay

DoD rejiggers $96 billion Sentinel ICBM program to minimize delay
DoD rejiggers $96 billion Sentinel ICBM program to minimize delay

As officials described how they’ll spend billions on America’s nuclear arsenal and presented rosy outlooks, California’s Rep. John Garamendi retorted, “The fact of the matter is every single one of these systems are behind schedule and over budget, every single one of them.”

Yearlong CR would ‘irreversibly delay’ nuclear modernization programs: service chiefs

Yearlong CR would ‘irreversibly delay’ nuclear modernization programs: service chiefs
Yearlong CR would ‘irreversibly delay’ nuclear modernization programs: service chiefs

The Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, Columbia-class ballistic submarine and B-21 bomber could all face delays under a yearlong continuing resolution, service officials said.

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Distributed Maritime Operations: Making Ships, Subs, And Platforms Nodes On A Network

Distributed Maritime Operations: Making Ships, Subs, And Platforms Nodes On A Network
Distributed Maritime Operations: Making Ships, Subs, And Platforms Nodes On A Network

To facilitate the pivot to the Great Power competition against adaptive enemies with advanced capabilities, the Navy is developing the flexibility to decentralize its forces while remaining fully networked.

Appropriators Increase Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Cut Missiles And Ammo

Appropriators Increase Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Cut Missiles And Ammo
Appropriators Increase Air Force Aircraft Procurement, Cut Missiles And Ammo

The HAC report rebukes the Air Force for a lack of transparency in shifting spending on prototyping of hypersonic missiles.

The Five Surprises In Pentagon’s 2022 Budget

The Five Surprises In Pentagon’s 2022 Budget
The Five Surprises In Pentagon’s 2022 Budget

Most observers had expected an increase in the Navy’s shipbuilding accounts with this budget, especially after the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Mark Milley, said that, even as an Army general, he would support budget increases for the Navy and Air Force in light of the Chinese threat. But this budget decommissions 12 ships and buys relatively few replacements.

DepSecDef Will Run Most Missile Defense, Nuke Modernization; SecDef Recused

DepSecDef Will Run Most Missile Defense, Nuke Modernization; SecDef Recused
DepSecDef Will Run Most Missile Defense, Nuke Modernization; SecDef Recused

“I am worried about the state of the readiness of the nuclear triad,” Deputy SecDef nominee Kath Hicks tells the Senate Armed Services Committee this morning, “and, if confirmed, that is an area I would want to get my team in place and start to look at right away.” 

Raytheon Wins Long-Range Standoff Nuke Program

Raytheon Wins Long-Range Standoff Nuke Program
Raytheon Wins Long-Range Standoff Nuke Program

Raytheon has won the LRSO design competition, but it remains uncertain whether it will nab the prime contract to actually build the next-generation cruise missile or be forced to share that with Lockheed Martin.

Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile

Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile
Navy To Begin Arming Subs With Ship-Killer Missile

It’s a major shift after decades in which submarines focused on projecting power ashore, with their only anti-ship weapons being their rarely-used torpedoes. Driving the change: increasing anxiety about China.

Lawmakers Push Pentagon on Reforms, AI, New Missiles

Lawmakers Push Pentagon on Reforms, AI, New Missiles
Lawmakers Push Pentagon on Reforms, AI, New Missiles

The push from Capitol Hill follows a year of the Pentagon promising to do more, and do it quickly, when it comes to developing and buying next-generation technologies.