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Rocket development builds on tried and true experience for new orbital missions

Rocket development builds on tried and true experience for new orbital missions
Rocket development builds on tried and true experience for new orbital missions

With Russian engines out of the picture, there’s a new Medium Launch Vehicle on the horizon that is US sourced with a fairing sized to launch constellations.

Top secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber finally revealed in high-powered ceremony

Top secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber finally revealed in high-powered ceremony
Top secret B-21 Raider stealth bomber finally revealed in high-powered ceremony

The B-21, the first new bomber for the Air Force in over 30 years, “looks imposing, but what’s under the frame and the space-age coatings is even more impressive,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said.

Ahead of B-21 Raider reveal, Northrop CEO touts tech you won’t see

Ahead of B-21 Raider reveal, Northrop CEO touts tech you won’t see
Ahead of B-21 Raider reveal, Northrop CEO touts tech you won’t see

“When people see the exterior of the B-21, it will be very similar to the B-2,” Kathy Warden said in an interview with Breaking Defense. “The real differences are inside of the platform.”

Space Policy chief warns against ‘ridiculous’ testing aversion for new missile interceptor

Space Policy chief warns against ‘ridiculous’ testing aversion for new missile interceptor
Space Policy chief warns against ‘ridiculous’ testing aversion for new missile interceptor

“I would say the United States should prove to ourselves that we can shoot something down before we buy more of a thing,” said DoD Assistant Secretary for Space Policy John Plumb. “So, fly before you buy, if fly includes shooting a missile down to prove that it works.”

As AUKUS looms, US Navy sub leaders sound alarms at home

As AUKUS looms, US Navy sub leaders sound alarms at home
As AUKUS looms, US Navy sub leaders sound alarms at home

“We are in our most dangerous decade right now with the geopolitical threats we face,” said Vice Adm. Bill Houston, commander of submarine forces.

Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral

Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral
Hypersonics too expensive, industrial base too small for services to go it alone: Admiral

A recent test of the joint Navy-Army system that the Navy calls Conventional Prompt Strike suffered a partial failure in a June test, but that’s because Vice Adm. Johnny Wolfe said the service “pushed the envelope… learned a lot.”

Navy ‘scoping study’ to examine shipyard capacity, potential for a new yard

Navy ‘scoping study’ to examine shipyard capacity, potential for a new yard
Navy ‘scoping study’ to examine shipyard capacity, potential for a new yard

“What is our true capability and capacity?” Rear Adm. Jonathan Rucker said. “If we make the assumption that we’re never going to get better, the answer is we don’t have enough [shipyards]. But we’re doing a lot of stuff” to improve the service’s infrastructure in the meantime.

Navy plans to seek block buy for next five Columbia-class subs

Navy plans to seek block buy for next five Columbia-class subs
Navy plans to seek block buy for next five Columbia-class subs

A five-sub buy would have the potential to save billions in taxpayer dollars if executed well.

EXCLUSIVE: US Strategic Space Review signed out, but no unclassified version is coming

EXCLUSIVE: US Strategic Space Review signed out, but no unclassified version is coming
EXCLUSIVE: US Strategic Space Review signed out, but no unclassified version is coming

“If we want deterrence to be effective, it takes three things: 1. Capabilities 2. Credible threats in the mind of the adversary and 3. The will to communicate the first two,” Chris Stone, Mitchell Institute fellow, told Breaking Defense.

Nuclear, missile defense reviews target increasing Russian, Chinese threats

Nuclear, missile defense reviews target increasing Russian, Chinese threats
Nuclear, missile defense reviews target increasing Russian, Chinese threats

The two reviews were largely welcomed by more hawkish commentators and criticized by supporters of more robust approaches to nuclear arms control — with the latter lamenting that Biden has walked away from campaign promises to reduce US reliance on nuclear weapons.