Army has 1 unmanned system in Replicator’s initial tranche, 3 others in mind for next go: Official

Army has 1 unmanned system in Replicator’s initial tranche, 3 others in mind for next go: Official
Army has 1 unmanned system in Replicator’s initial tranche, 3 others in mind for next go: Official

Meanwhile, the Air Force’s Vice Chief of Staff Gen James Slife said his service has several “compelling programs in the pipeline” but they are “not quite as technologically mature as some of the Army programs.”

US defense modernization gets a ‘D’ grade in new report as tech roadblocks persist

US defense modernization gets a ‘D’ grade in new report as tech roadblocks persist
US defense modernization gets a ‘D’ grade in new report as tech roadblocks persist

“We’re still looking for the ability to translate and transition those innovation priorities into capabilities, into programs of record, into budget priorities,” said Rachel Hoff, Reagan Institute’s policy director and one of the authors of a new scorecard evaluating progress in defense innovation.

Lessons from Ukraine and Israel on how America should approach new tech

Lessons from Ukraine and Israel on how America should approach new tech
Lessons from Ukraine and Israel on how America should approach new tech

“There is a reason technology is often called a ‘force multiplier’ — it’s best when it helps our forces, not when it replaces them,” write Rachel Hoff and Reed Kessler of the Reagan Institute.

US gets an ‘F’ for erratic, unfocused funding of defense innovation, says Reagan Foundation

US gets an ‘F’ for erratic, unfocused funding of defense innovation, says Reagan Foundation
US gets an ‘F’ for erratic, unfocused funding of defense innovation, says Reagan Foundation

A ponderous budget process, overspending on old tech, and chronically late appropriations hamstring the Pentagon’s ability to tap into private-sector innovation, according to the foundation’s new scorecard.

Poll: Trust in US military declines as worry over China rises

Poll: Trust in US military declines as worry over China rises
Poll: Trust in US military declines as worry over China rises

WASHINGTON: A majority of Americans view China has the biggest national security threat to the United States, while trust in the American military continues to erode, according the Reagan Institute’s annual National Defense Survey. The poll found that 52% of Americans see China as a top threat, up from just under 40% in the February…

US needs ‘manufacturing renaissance’ to compete with China: Report

US needs ‘manufacturing renaissance’ to compete with China: Report
US needs ‘manufacturing renaissance’ to compete with China: Report

Reagan Institute warns of “inadequate” investments, “exceedingly fragile” supply chains, and “insufficient” accountability of government officials, among other US weaknesses.

Faith In The Military Is Falling – Not Demand For Strong Defense: Reagan Institute

Faith In The Military Is Falling – Not Demand For Strong Defense: Reagan Institute
Faith In The Military Is Falling – Not Demand For Strong Defense: Reagan Institute

The Reagan Institute’s latest survey reveals confidence in the military has dropped seven percent a year for two years running. But dig deeper, and support for a strong defense remains.

Eye On China, Reagan Study Calls For Major Defense Base Push

Eye On China, Reagan Study Calls For Major Defense Base Push
Eye On China, Reagan Study Calls For Major Defense Base Push

Maintaining the US natsec industry’s technological edge will require “a more coordinated and collaborative effort among all stakeholders—government, academia, and private sector actors,” says former Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work.