The watchdog report in particular hones in on concerns about a lack of transparency in service and Pentagon component MTA programs.
By Theresa Hitchens
While lawmakers worry over lack of oversight, MITRE’s Pete Modigliani tells Breaking Defense, “The Middle Tier of Acquisition pathway is one of DoD’s most valuable tools to rapidly deliver capabilities … to deter China’s threat.”
By Theresa Hitchens
An audit by the DoD Inspector General found that while federal law “allows for one of 4 conditions for a prototype OT award,” Pentagon rules contain “no requirement to validate that the contractor met those conditions,” an OIG spokesperson told Breaking Defense.
By Theresa Hitchens
When it comes to MTAs, Eric Lofgren, a defense acquisition specialist at George Mason University, told Breaking Defense that “GAO and OSD seem to be struggling with how to baseline and conduct oversight of these programs.”
By Theresa Hitchens
“If the Space Systems Command is going to acquire other commercial services in the same fashion that CSCO has been acquiring commercial SATCOM, then that will not serve the warfighter well,” said Rebecca Cowen-Hirsch, senior vice president for government strategy and policy at Inmarsat.
By Theresa Hitchens
SOCOM couldn’t build a bulletproof Iron Man. But Army experiments with more modest lower-body exoskeletons have shown real-world potential to help overburdened foot troops.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
The company is using extensive automation and a new generation of high-efficiency gallium nitride materials to accelerate development of the Lower-Tier Air & Missile Defense Sensor, LTAMDS.
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
PTS is not a satellite per se, rather it is envisioned as a payload that could be carried by US military, commercial or even allied satellites.
By Theresa Hitchens
AFRL’s new Air Force Explore challenge intends to make four to seven awards, each in the $1 million to $2 million range.
By Theresa Hitchens
GAO’s own data show that the supposed cost growth at the heart of the analysis does not exist at all. The patient reader will find that the real reason for this “cost growth” is increased purchase quantities. In plain terms, the Pentagon bought more weapons.
By Peter Levine