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2019 Forecast: Hard Choices On Invisible Warfare

2019 Forecast: Hard Choices On Invisible Warfare
2019 Forecast: Hard Choices On Invisible Warfare

There are real signs of a renaissance in electronic warfare. Now comes the hard part: translating new strategies and concepts into doctrine, requirements, and systems in the field.

Australia Broadens Its Military Relationships With Shipbuilding Deals

Australia Broadens Its Military Relationships With Shipbuilding Deals
Australia Broadens Its Military Relationships With Shipbuilding Deals

  CANBERRA: As the Chinese challenge grows, Australia is clearly concerned about expanded Chinese influence within Australia and with regard to Chinese efforts to reshape the external environment to expand the influence and power of the Chinese authoritarian state. Clearly the United States remains Australia’s core ally in dealing with the Chinese challenge, but as…

Eyeing China, Australia Busily Buys Up Frigates, Drones, and Sub-Hunting Planes

Eyeing China, Australia Busily Buys Up Frigates, Drones, and Sub-Hunting Planes
Eyeing China, Australia Busily Buys Up Frigates, Drones, and Sub-Hunting Planes

Australia looking to protect its home waters, while sending a signal to Washington that it is one of the allies that is trying to pull its weight in defending itself.

Allies Must Develop Own Robots, Not Just ‘Copy’ US: Aussie War College Chief

Allies Must Develop Own Robots, Not Just ‘Copy’ US: Aussie War College Chief
Allies Must Develop Own Robots, Not Just ‘Copy’ US: Aussie War College Chief

“If at some point in future, you need to expand your capability, expand your military,” Maj. Gen. Ryan said, “Australia’s at the end of a very long line of industrial resupply, and we might want to have the capacity ourselves.”

Army Air & Missile Defense Faces The Future

Army Air & Missile Defense Faces The Future
Army Air & Missile Defense Faces The Future

“If something kicks off, we’re the first ones to see it,” the sergeants told us. “We’re the first ones to react. And you’re on the line, they’re coming after you.”

Navy’s New High Altitude Drones Ready for Pacific

Navy’s New High Altitude Drones Ready for Pacific
Navy’s New High Altitude Drones Ready for Pacific

The deployment comes as Beijing and Washington race to keep tabs on one another in the South China Sea.

Who Stands On Guard For Thee: Canada’s Contribution To Northern Defense

Who Stands On Guard For Thee: Canada’s Contribution To Northern Defense
Who Stands On Guard For Thee: Canada’s Contribution To Northern Defense

The return of the Russian threat has spurred US allies to pay new attention to collective defense, not just in Europe but in the North Atlantic. No ally is more critical than Canada, strategically joined at the hip with the US in NORAD. Recently, I had a chance to interview the head of the Royal…

Allies And The Maritime Domain Strike Enterprise

Allies And The Maritime Domain Strike Enterprise
Allies And The Maritime Domain Strike Enterprise

The UK, Norway and the US have signed an agreement to work together on anti-submarine warfare (ASW) in the North Atlantic which will leverage the joint acquisition of the P-8 aircraft, another example of the US and its allies an evolving defense capability in which allies are clearly key partners. The P-8s is part of…

More Than Joint: The Aussies Forge A Way Ahead

More Than Joint: The Aussies Forge A Way Ahead
More Than Joint: The Aussies Forge A Way Ahead

Australian Air Marshal Leo Davies highlighted the “institutional interoperability which the Royal Australian Air Force was shaping with its closest allies, and notably with the US Air Force and the US Navy during his recent visit to the US. The Aussies are not simply camp followers – they are shaping a way ahead an integrated…

Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe

Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe
Allies And 21st Century Weapons: The F-35 Comes To Europe

A key dynamic in the shift from COIN-centric land wars to a twenty-first century combat force is what the US and its closest allies will learn from each other thanks to the core weapons systems they are buying at the same time. Hidden in plain view is the emergence of a significant driver of change  –- flying the same…

F-35 Drives Closer Integration With Allies: Aussie Air Chief

F-35 Drives Closer Integration With Allies: Aussie Air Chief
F-35 Drives Closer Integration With Allies: Aussie Air Chief

WASHINGTON: The F-35 Joint Strike fighter will  drive deeper and more useful military connections between Australia, the United States and regional partners such as Japan and Malaysia, the head of Australia’s air force said today. “This aircraft has redefined joint” for Australia, Air Marshal Leo Davies said at the Center for Strategic and International Studies this morning, accelerating policy…

Allies Can Help US Lower Weapons Costs, Build New Force

Allies Can Help US Lower Weapons Costs, Build New Force
Allies Can Help US Lower Weapons Costs, Build New Force

Shifting from a primary focus on counterinsurgency land wars to building a high intensity combat force able to prevail against peer competitors is a significant challenge for the United States and its closest allies after 15 years of COIN. A key dynamic within this effort is the crucial opportunity the US and its closest allies have to…

Best Of 2016: China Rising

Best Of 2016: China Rising
Best Of 2016: China Rising

That China is a growing threat — even an “enemy” — is one thing incoming president Donald Trump and the Washington national security establishment agree on. But just how dangerous is China’s increasing military strength and international assertiveness? What painful historical experiences drive Chinese thinking in ways a Westerner might not understand? And what’s the…

Chinese Threaten Japan, Australia Over South China Sea; Time For US FON Ops?

Chinese Threaten Japan, Australia Over South China Sea; Time For US FON Ops?
Chinese Threaten Japan, Australia Over South China Sea; Time For US FON Ops?

UPDATED: Adds Excellent CSIS Study On International Support For Chinese Claims WASHINGTON: What are China’s intentions in the South China Sea? It’s a question intelligence analysts, diplomats and the senior leadership of the United States and its Pacific allies are all asking in the wake of a range of increasingly belligerent and threatening comments and…

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