Search results for: triton

Will Syrian Civil War Mark End to American Militarism?

Will Syrian Civil War Mark End to American Militarism?
Will Syrian Civil War Mark End to American Militarism?

This is James Kitfield’s first piece for Breaking Defense since his departure from his award-winning tenure at National Journal. As one of the best defense reporters around, Kitfield’s specialty has always been spotting the big strategic trend first and writing clearly, simply and persuasively about it. Following is a classic example of his work, which…

Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry

Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry
Deloitte Details Bleak Outlook For Global Defense Industry

Deloitte LLP’s 2013 “Global Defense Outlook,” released today, is basically all bad news. Even the silver linings turned to lead when we talked them over this morning with the chief of the defense practice at the giant consulting firm, retired Air Force Gen. Charles Wald. As US defense spending staggers, there are some other places…

War Or Peace, Drones Market Will Grow, Especially For Infantry

TYSON’S CORNER, VA: With the wars that spawned the drone revolution subsiding, if not entirely ending, the U.S. armed services are taking stock of what they’ve learned and sorting out what to do next to bolster or better the fleets of unmanned aircraft they’ve accumulated since 2001. One thing is clear: war or peace, the…

Military ‘Aggressively Working’ To Ease Drone Sales Abroad

LAS VEGAS: As US defense spending ramps down, both the military and the aerospace industry want to sell more drones to friends and allies overseas. Right now, however, export controls and arms control treaties make that awfully hard. “The foreign sales aspect of these RPAs [remotely piloted aircraft] is potentially huge,” Maj. Gen. James Poss,…

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