Search results for: triton

Teaching Drones How To See: Fire Scout & Kestrel

Teaching Drones How To See: Fire Scout & Kestrel
Teaching Drones How To See: Fire Scout & Kestrel

The military is drowning in video. Figuring out what’s worth watching can literally be a matter of life and death. The standard technique today is to sit young servicemembers down at screens to stare at live feeds or archived video — from drones, from satellites, from static cameras — until their eyes glaze over. But that’s…

Cyber Subs: A Decisive Edge For High-Tech War?

Cyber Subs: A Decisive Edge For High-Tech War?
Cyber Subs: A Decisive Edge For High-Tech War?

THE FUTURE: Imagine you’re a Chinese high commander, taking stock at the outbreak of the next great war. All your aides and computer displays tell you the same thing: For hundreds of miles out into the Western Pacific, the sea and sky are yours. They are covered by the overlapping threat zones of your long-range land-based missiles, your…

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel
Navy 2016 Budget Funds V-22 COD Buy, Carrier Refuel

  PENTAGON: The Navy 2016 budget yields to Congress’s strong opposition to the service’s previous efforts to cut the active fleet to save money. It funds nuclear refueling and overhaul of the aircraft carrier USS George Washington –that it had tried to retire — and modifies its plan to put 11 cruisers and an amphibious ship…

Growing Teeth: Upgunning The Surface Navy

Growing Teeth: Upgunning The Surface Navy
Growing Teeth: Upgunning The Surface Navy

Last week, the US Navy made waves by announcing two bold ideas for the surface fleet: a new concept of warfighting called “distributed lethality” — “If it floats, it fights” — and a new name for the controversial Littoral Combat Ship — now called a “frigate.” We asked Bryan Clark, a former special assistant to…

Drones Need Humans, Badly; Pilots Getting More Dough

Drones Need Humans, Badly; Pilots Getting More Dough
Drones Need Humans, Badly; Pilots Getting More Dough

WASHINGTON: Even unmanned aircraft need people to make them fly. Today, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James announced stopgap measures to shore up overworked drone squadrons. At the same press conference, the service’s Chief of Staff pledged to plug another personnel gap, the shortage of skilled maintainers for the manned F-35 — but, Gen. Mark…

Navy 2015: Congressional Clashes Over LCS, UCLASS & Carriers

Navy 2015: Congressional Clashes Over LCS, UCLASS & Carriers
Navy 2015: Congressional Clashes Over LCS, UCLASS & Carriers

Smooth sailing is not in the Navy’s forecast for the next year.The service faces big decisions on major programs, and we can expect clashes between Navy plans, congressional politics and budgetary realities on three of the biggest: the upgunned Littoral Combat Ship, the UCLASS armed drone, and the jewel in the Navy’s crown, the nuclear aircraft carrier. The…

Future Vertical Lift Begins Open Software Quest

Future Vertical Lift Begins Open Software Quest
Future Vertical Lift Begins Open Software Quest

WASHINGTON: The first Future Vertical Lift Aircraft won’t fly until the 2030s but the Army, Navy, and industry are already at work on software standards. Those include a new “model-based” approach to software architectures that will require a culture change among programmers and defense bureaucrats alike. Why take on so much so early? Because FVL will…

E-2D Hits IOC; Navy Hawkeye Gets Larger, Lethal Role

E-2D Hits IOC; Navy Hawkeye Gets Larger, Lethal Role
E-2D Hits IOC; Navy Hawkeye Gets Larger, Lethal Role

NORFOLK: The famed “eyes of the fleet” are getting sharper. The Navy has declared the latest variant, the E-2D radar plane, ready for real-world operations just in time for the 50th anniversary of the original E-2 Hawkeye. The first five-plane squadron will deploy on the USS Theodore Roosevelt next year. Meanwhile, the current E-2C models are…

Navy Forges New EW Strategy: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare

Navy Forges New EW Strategy: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare
Navy Forges New EW Strategy: Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare

WASHINGTON: The Navy is crafting a battle plan to retake control of the electromagnetic spectrum, which the Pentagon’s chief of research says we’ve lost. First of all, if adversaries can exploit rapid advances in commercial electronics to run circles around America’s multi-billion dollar arsenal, our slow-moving procurement process needs to be more open to civilian innovation.…

FAA Hints US Drone Approval Deadline May Fly By

FAA Hints US Drone Approval Deadline May Fly By
FAA Hints US Drone Approval Deadline May Fly By

WASHINGTON: Those hyperventilating at the specter of drones flooding U.S. skies because Congress has told the Federal Aviation Administration to achieve “the safe integration of civil unmanned aircraft systems into the national airspace system as soon as practicable, but not later than September 30, 2015,” can now take a deep breath. Those in industry panting…

Naval Drones ‘Swarm,’ But Who Pulls The Trigger?

Naval Drones ‘Swarm,’ But Who Pulls The Trigger?
Naval Drones ‘Swarm,’ But Who Pulls The Trigger?

The Navy’s research arm is justifiably proud of its recent experiment with “swarming” drone boats, whose results (with video) were officially released today. But the very thing that’s most impressive about the swarmboats — their ability to act autonomously with minimal human guidance — raises crucial questions about when we can trust a robot to pull…

Some 1,000 Asians Flock To ISIL: Adm. Locklear

Some 1,000 Asians Flock To ISIL: Adm. Locklear
Some 1,000 Asians Flock To ISIL: Adm. Locklear

PENTAGON: Even as the latest Mideast war sucks in more US attention and resources — as well as wannabe jihadis from around the world — the outgoing chief of Pacific Command emphasized the much-derided “rebalance to the Asia-Pacific” is still going strong. Despite sequestration budget cuts the US is still strong enough to handle both theaters at…

Navy Defends UCLASS Goals As Drone Decision Looms

Navy Defends UCLASS Goals As Drone Decision Looms
Navy Defends UCLASS Goals As Drone Decision Looms

It’s crunch time for UCLASS. On September 10th — after multiple delays — the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer and his Defense Acquisition Board will sit in judgment on the proposed combat drone. The question: how best to bring the robot revolution to the deck of the 90-year-old aircraft carrier. The “Unmanned Carrier-Launched Airborne Surveillance and…

Crunch Time For UCLASS: USD Kendall, Rep. Forbes, & The Requirements Fight

Crunch Time For UCLASS: USD Kendall, Rep. Forbes, & The Requirements Fight
Crunch Time For UCLASS: USD Kendall, Rep. Forbes, & The Requirements Fight

WASHINGTON: August is the month of decision for UCLASS, the Navy’s controversial program to build armed drones that fly off aircraft carriers. At stake: whether the “Unmanned Carrier-Launched Surveillance & Strike” aircraft will be primarily a scout (surveillance) or a bomber (strike). The new Deputy Secretary of Defense, Bob Work, delayed the Navy’s release of…

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