Search results for: triton

The P-8, Singapore & South China Sea Strategy

The P-8, Singapore & South China Sea Strategy
The P-8, Singapore & South China Sea Strategy

OVER THE MALACCA STRAIT: Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and his host, Singaporean Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen, made a stark and clear statement to China before the Shangri-La summit began, boarding America’s preeminent sub-hunting and surveillance plane, the P-8 Poseidon. “How do you like this aircraft?” asked Carter as they boarded the P-8. “I love this…

Navy Hits Gas On Flying Gas Truck, CBARS: Will It Be Armed?

Navy Hits Gas On Flying Gas Truck, CBARS: Will It Be Armed?
Navy Hits Gas On Flying Gas Truck, CBARS: Will It Be Armed?

WASHINGTON: More gas. Less stealth. Maybe weapons. New name. Same money. Tighter schedule. That, in a dozen words, is how the Navy is evolving its program for carrier-launched drones. Since the cancellation of the original UCLASS drone– Unmanned Carrier-Launched Aerial Surveillance & Strike — Navy leaders have insisted they would get the simplified successor in…

CBARS Drone Under OSD Review; Can A Tanker Become A Bomber?

CBARS Drone Under OSD Review; Can A Tanker Become A Bomber?
CBARS Drone Under OSD Review; Can A Tanker Become A Bomber?

WASHINGTON: The Navy’s new flying robot fuel truck, CBARS, is being reviewed by senior officials in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Breaking Defense has learned. Details about the current review are hard to come by. But our regular readers may be getting déjà vu, because the predecessor program, the UCLASS recon/strike drone, was stuck in OSD…

People, Not Tech: DepSecDef Work On 3rd Offset, JICSPOC

People, Not Tech: DepSecDef Work On 3rd Offset, JICSPOC
People, Not Tech: DepSecDef Work On 3rd Offset, JICSPOC

PENTAGON: The Pentagon says it wants a revolution and the 2017 budget to be unveiled today funds a host of high-tech weapons, from arsenal planes to Hyper Velocity Projectiles to robots. But for Deputy Defense Secretary  Bob Work, the real bleeding edge of innovation is not a weapon, no matter how impressive. It’s a secretive command…

Good-Bye, UCLASS; Hello, Unmanned Tanker, More F-35Cs In 2017 Budget

Good-Bye, UCLASS; Hello, Unmanned Tanker, More F-35Cs In 2017 Budget
Good-Bye, UCLASS; Hello, Unmanned Tanker, More F-35Cs In 2017 Budget

CORRECTED: Navy says new drone will have “limited strike” capability PENTAGON: After more than a year of intense debate over whether the Navy’s future UCLASS drone should be a long-range stealth bomber or a lightly armed scout, the Defense Department has chosen — neither. Instead, the 2017 budget proposes a program that is less ambitious…

McCain, Forbes Praise New Navy Challenge To China In Paracel Islands

McCain, Forbes Praise New Navy Challenge To China In Paracel Islands
McCain, Forbes Praise New Navy Challenge To China In Paracel Islands

[UPDATED with experts’ analysis; “innocent passage” confirmed] WASHINGTON: Just two days after the head of US Pacific Command, Adm. Harry Harris, pledged to push harder on Chinese territorial claims in the South China Sea, the destroyer USS Curtis Wilbur sailed within the 12 nautical mile limit around Triton Island. Situated in the Paracels, which are claimed…

Invisible Bullets: The Navy’s Big Problem In Future War

Invisible Bullets: The Navy’s Big Problem In Future War
Invisible Bullets: The Navy’s Big Problem In Future War

WASHINGTON: In the brutal naval battles of the future, the first clash of arms will be a clash of electrons. If you don’t win the invisible battle of the airwaves, you can’t win the visible battle of missiles. Before warships can concentrate their fire on the enemy, they first must communicate with each other. Before they…

CNO Richardson Urges Fast-Track For Cyber, EW & Drones

CNO Richardson Urges Fast-Track For Cyber, EW & Drones
CNO Richardson Urges Fast-Track For Cyber, EW & Drones

CAPITOL HILL: The new Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. John Richardson, previewed a Navy “design for maintaining maritime superiority” this morning. The service will roll it out in January, just before the 2017 budget. While Richardson seems a bit more guarded than his predecessor in his public comments — at least, so far — he did tease…

Bridging The ‘Valley Of Death’ For Navy Drones

Bridging The ‘Valley Of Death’ For Navy Drones
Bridging The ‘Valley Of Death’ For Navy Drones

PENTAGON: The Navy’s new offices for unmanned systems — that’s drones or robots to you and me — are a long-overdue reform, two top experts tell us. But, as emphasized by both our outside sources and the new Navy officials themselves, it’s equally important to understand the initiative’s limits. This is not an overhaul of the…

Why Northrop Won The LRS Bomber

Why Northrop Won The LRS Bomber
Why Northrop Won The LRS Bomber

How did Northrop beat world’s largest defense companies, the Boeing-Lockheed Martin team, in the crucial competition for the Long Range Strike Bomber (LRSB)? First, and probably most importantly, Northrop Grumman is the only company in history to design, develop, manufacture, and maintain a long-range stealth bomber—the B-2 Spirit. Thanks to pre-award briefings, we know that the…

F-35C & Ford Carriers – A Wrong Turn For Navy: CNAS

F-35C & Ford Carriers – A Wrong Turn For Navy: CNAS
F-35C & Ford Carriers – A Wrong Turn For Navy: CNAS

WASHINGTON: The high-cost, high-controversy centerpieces for the future Navy fleet — the Ford-class aircraft carrier and the F-35C fighter — not only take it in the wrong direction, says a report out today. They double down on a strategic mistake made 20 years ago, when the Navy shortchanged range, argues Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain now…

Carriers Crucial In War With China – But Air Wing Is All Wrong: Hudson

Carriers Crucial In War With China – But Air Wing Is All Wrong: Hudson
Carriers Crucial In War With China – But Air Wing Is All Wrong: Hudson

UPDATE with Forbes statement WASHINGTON: At $4.7 billion over budget, Ford-class aircraft carriers have taken a beating in Congress. This morning, though, the House Seapower subcommittee chairman will roll out a report from the conservative Hudson Institute that’s a ringing defense of the carrier — but which also contains a stinging indictment of the aircraft that fly…

Congress Makes Navy Sweat On Carriers, UCLASS, LCS, & Cruisers

Congress Makes Navy Sweat On Carriers, UCLASS, LCS, & Cruisers
Congress Makes Navy Sweat On Carriers, UCLASS, LCS, & Cruisers

WASHINGTON: The conference version of the defense policy bill for 2016 puts the Navy on notice in multiple high-priority programs. In three areas — carriers, the UCLASS drone, and LCS — Sen. John McCain‘s tough positions prevailed over the House, albeit with some compromises around the edges. In a fourth — Ticonderoga-class cruisers — it was a House leader,…

Dunford Says F-35 Fleet Size Under Review; Supports F-35 Buy

Dunford Says F-35 Fleet Size Under Review; Supports F-35 Buy
Dunford Says F-35 Fleet Size Under Review; Supports F-35 Buy

WASHINGTON: The presumptive Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, has told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the most pressing areas of concern for the US military are its cyber and space capabilities; modernizing its nuclear weapons and their delivery systems; and assuring that American forces can penetrate any set of defenses anywhere in the world. He also…

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