New CSA: Gen. Milley Is A ‘Soldier’s Soldier’ From Far Beyond The Beltway

New CSA: Gen. Milley Is A ‘Soldier’s Soldier’ From Far Beyond The Beltway
New CSA: Gen. Milley Is A ‘Soldier’s Soldier’ From Far Beyond The Beltway

WASHINGTON: Who is Army Gen. Mark Milley? A lot of the Washington sources we rely on didn’t know him. But the administration’s choice for a new Army Chief of Staff is a “soldier’s soldier” who’s spent more time in Afghanistan than inside the Beltway. Proven warriors don’t always do well in DC: Budget battles require…

Shyu Mum On More Acquisition Powers For Odierno

Shyu Mum On More Acquisition Powers For Odierno
Shyu Mum On More Acquisition Powers For Odierno

HUNTSVILLE, ALA: There seems to be little support for Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno‘s push for the four service chiefs to get greater authority over procurement — not even from the Army’s civilian head of acquisition Heidi Shyu. It’s not actually clear exactly what Odierno wants. “We’re still working through the exact authorities” in response to a congressional request for more detail, Odierno…